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July 11, 2006 - 11:40 p.m.

A follow up to the evil McDonalds skill-testing question.

So, I found out why this is the case. An excerpt from

"The combined effect of Sections 197 to 206 of the Canadian Criminal Code bans for-profit gaming or betting. The law does allow prizes to be given for games of skill, or mixed games of skill and chance. In order to make the chance-based contests legal, such games generally have mathematical skill-testing questions incorporated.

The most common form that these questions take is as an arithmetic exercise. A court decision ruled that these must contain at least three operations to actually be skill testing; for example, a common question might be "(2 � 4) + (10 � 3)" (Answer: 38). Anecdotally, getting the answer wrong is also often not an obstacle to claiming a prize."

So there you have it. Just that Canadians are smarter and more willing to take on a challenge, even for a free hamburger from McDs. I thought so.

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